Would you be able to work standing for an hour – 2 hours at a time during your work day? We were challenged by DeskStand to a 2 week #STANDWORKINGCHALLENGE and after a couple of weeks really battling with getting this right, we took the challenge head on. Here are our top 5 things you didn’t know about standing while you work
Here comes another story time… I have NEVER spoken about this on my blog (nor did I ever think that I would) but I have had back problems throughout my life (the full shahbang can be kept for another day), and sitting at a desk most of my life (as is our way of life in the 2000’s) these back problems have caused me endless pain and ‘suffering’. I say ‘suffering’ because it’s reallllly not as bad as some cases I know of, but it can be a 8/10 on my pain threshold on a bad day. But saying that, I have always been told that standing working could help alleviate some of this pressure on my spine. But it looked like a lot of hard work and extra effort. Until I was showed a simple alternative.
What’s the best sitting to standing position while working? Is sitting still during work hours bad for your health? Does standing during work benefit your health? Let’s talk about this long standing debate – what is better: standing vs sitting working – and how DeskStand’s sit-stand furniture may be your answer and to win both sides of the battle.
The hardest part of this challenge was actually breaking the habit of sitting down and working. Grabbing your laptop and plonking yourself down at a desk is the norm, and we have all been doing it that way for years – so breaking this habit and heading to your standing desk to stand for the first hour or two if the day is definitely a new habit to work on.
Working from home, I definitely had an advantage as I was able to add this desk to my workspace. I coincidentally had redone my office at the end of last year – so starting off 2019 with a fresh space and a new desk was a winning combo for success!
The simplest way to start is to use the height adjustable Jumbo DeskStand as an elevated platform to raise your head to a 90 degree angle, to lift your chin and have your laptop eye level to your computer screen. You’ll need a wireless keyboard and mouse for this – it’s totally worth it. So you’re keyboard will be on the desk, with your laptop on the lowest rung of the DeskStand’s cutouts. Bah-bye double chin, hello smooth neck (and healthy back) This will become your sitting position during your work day.
Standing all day long just didn’t sit well with me. I had seen other people switch to this way of working – and I had simply said – it’s not for me. UNTIL I actually tried it.
Starting this 2 week long #STANDINGWORKCHALLENGE was easier than I had expected. Starting your day off with an hour of standing is really much easier than you would expect. In that time, you’ve checked your emails, made to-do list for the day, taken a phone call and had your first cup of tea. If you’re feeling up to it, try another hour before or after lunch (I usually break for lunch quite late so before lunch was a nice refresher before walking away from the desk)
After the first week of doing this, switch it up to standing for two hours at a time, twice a day. Suddenly, you’re half standing and half sitting. And it’s going to make the world of difference.
I mean – it’s a pretty simple concept. You’re standing, oxygen if flowing freely, you’re burning calories and getting the blood flowing (especially in your legs), you’re keeping your body still and you’re brain is functioning at full speed working all the muscles you have to keep your body up straight. It’s science, really.
But for real, there are so many scientific studies on this – but try it for yourself. After those two weeks of the challenge, and in 21 days you’ve broken your old habits – you’re a new person. And you will never look back.
Well, you are already standing right – so walking away is a second or two quicker every time because you don’t have to pull out a chair. Quicker to pop out to the loo, quicker to run for a cup of tea and quicker to burn them calories during the day doing NOTHING extra except just standing for a bit.
Keep your body straight – keep your spine in mind all day – you want your chin 90 degrees to your body and your back should be straight. No slouching. And try and keep all toes on the ground (top tip as I found my ankles rolling out fairly often in my first week, which was a struggle to stop happening – buut keep all toes firmly planted on the ground and this will help kill that bad habit too)
I figured out some fun things to try while standing and working. Stretch your body out a little before beginning your day – interlink your fingers and pull your arms above your head, behind your back and then in front of you. You’re awake and moving! Do a few ankles & ankle raises. Flexing your stomach muscles gives you a little ab work out while your’re working. Flamingo it – stand on one leg for a break and switch it up. Bend your knees a few times before walking away for a break. Do a couple squats when you are about it sit. Make it a habit. Make it part of your day.
Should the Jumbo DeskStand be a bit big for your space, take a look at their website for more option such as the Wavy Sit-Stand Table (which is perfect for those work-from-couch lovers or if you’re just looking to elevate that chin at your desk). But all jokes aside, I never knew how much I needed a standing desk, or raised seated desk, until I tried this – so it’s a massive win in my books, and after much self-fighting about actually getting this to be a part of my day, I officially can say I’ve broken my bad habits and am standing while I work for a good part of my day. And feeling amazing.
Follow DeskStand on social: Website, Facebook & Instagram. Get your Jumbo Deskstand now via their website.
Looking to get in contact with us? Pop us an email at jenna@thesocialneedia.co.za or find us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Stand well, work hard, shine bright and stay golden x
DISCLAIMER: Although the Jumbo DeskStand we are reviewing was gifted to us, a positive review was not guaranteed. You can read the health benefits of adding sit-stand working to your life here. The DeskStand does not recommend standing for more than four hours at a time without a balancing foot mat. Should you try this out, please work into your standing routine as described in section 2 of our blog. Please seek medical advise should you have heart or other health issues before trying to stand for long periods of time.
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